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St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Values and Worship


At the beginning of Daily Worship a child lights the candle and we say together:-

 "We light this candle to remind us that God is always with us."

At the close of Worship as the candle is put out we say:-

"Even though this candle is out, we still remember that God is always with us."

 Our Morning Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving this new day to me
Help me to make it one that pleases you,
by doing my best in everything.

Worship is led by teachers, children and visitors.  During class assemblies, families are invited into school and we are extremely grateful for the tremendous parental support we have. Groups of children are encouraged to prepare and lead worship based on one of our themes.  These opportunities allow them to gain valuable leadership experience and extend their ability to think and reflect on a wide range of global issues.

We also hold family Bread-Sharing Services for Reception and KS1 children and Eucharists which KS2 children take part in.

Our worship is further enhanced by weekly visits from St Nicholas Church.  The children are further challenged to think, ask questions and share their views and  about  the world around them.

Our themes are based on the Christian values listed below: - 

  •  Hope
  • Friendship

  • Trust

  • Endurance

  • Koinonia

  • Justice

  • Compassion

  • Wisdom

  •  Peace
  • Service

  • Humility

  • Reverence

  • Creation

  • Thankfulness

  • Forgiveness


Our core values of Friendship, Compassion and Trust reflect the aspirations we have for each child, to inspire a high level of spiritual and moral reflection and to challenge our learners to take responsibility for their own actions. 

More information about these values can be found at  

Alternatively, talk to the children who will happily share their understanding of our school values and the impact this makes on their learning and behaviour.

In October 2017, we were inspected by the National Society. We were graded as Outstanding.

Leaders, governors and clergy share an ambitious Christian vision for a school where pupils of all faiths and none share a sense of spirituality that helps them thrive academically and personally.

British Values at St Nicholas


We have a strong, distinctive Christian identity with shared values informed by the teachings of Jesus Christ; these are Friendship, Thankfulness and Trust and were chosen by the school community. These values and our commitment to every child growing socially, morally, spiritually and culturally are intrinsic to the life of our school and are what make it a very special place. Our curriculum statement shares that our school ‘prepares the children for their future as successful and confident young people who are able to express their own opinions whilst respecting those of others.’ Our Curriculum Map and ‘Big Questions’ further outline the experiences and opportunities that children have access to.