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St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Our Vision and Values

St Nicholas is an inclusive and nurturing Church school, in the heart of a close, village community. Families of all faiths and none are warmly welcomed, valued and respected.

Our vision is rooted in Christian theology:

It is our hope and prayer for our children, that they have a love of learning and achieve their true potential. By being respectful, responsible and resilient they can be courageous advocates of change and make a real difference in the world.

We develop strong relationships so that children make friends, feel safe and secure and can flourish.  When we are happy in ourselves, we are able to connect with others and thrive in a way that leads to a fulfilling life.

With God as our guiding light, Jesus as our rock and The Holy Spirit beside us, children are equipped to navigate their own unique paths in life, so that they may shine and live life in all its fullness.

We do this through our values of kindness, trust, courage, confidence, wisdom and curiosity, in a caring and spiritually supportive environment.

Together, we nurture and develop the whole child academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically.