Governors Profiles
Dr Stephen Ellison
Steve Ellison joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2000. He stayed with the school as an LDBS appointee after both children moved on, after a happy time at St Nicholas, to secondary school and then to university. As a Governor, he chaired the Standards committee for several years before becoming Chair of Governors in 2009. Steve is a qualified chemist, and has done and managed research, analytical and forensic chemistry, consultancy, and training, and done a stint as the laboratory computing manager. He is currently lead statistician at a large analytical chemistry organisation, and contributes to international standards for laboratory assessment and data analysis. Outside work, he is active in sports administration and coaching - his sport is Target Archery. In administration, he likes to see people properly consulted, and looks for consensus wherever possible. In education he wants to see everybody reach their potential, and believes St Nicholas is good at supporting that and always improving.
Ann Squire
I have been a governor for many years and have enjoyed every minute of it. Watching the children progress from reception through to year 6 is amazing. I used to be the literacy governor and now I have a much wider view of their education. I currently chair the Admissions Committee. I spend a fair amount time in school, the teachers are an amazing team and make the children's learning environment, a safe and happy place. I am also able to support them in assemblies and nativities.
Sylvia Carter
Sylvia joined the governing body as a Foundation Governor in February 2021. She has lived in Shepperton since 2005 and is a regular congregant at St Nicholas Church, serving on the PCC and a past Churchwarden. Sylvia has worked in the global media industry for 30+ years and is a specialist in Operations, Project Management and both People and Systems Development. Sylvia's interests include art, theatre, singing in local choirs and travelling the world to gain a greater understanding diverse cultures. She is a member of the Staffing & Pay Committee.
Vicky Cunningham
Vicky is an Assistant Psychologist at a specialist school for pupils with complex educational needs, communication difficulties and challenging behaviours, having recently completed an MSc in Applied Clinical Psychology at the University of Bath. She has experience of working with a wide range of people within the fields of Clinical and Educational Psychology, especially children on the Autistic Spectrum. She has delivered over 90 interactive workshops to young people on mental resilience, gender stereotypes and personal safety awareness, a scheme for which she is now the region coordinator. Vicky joined as an LDBS Foundation Governor in January 2021 and enjoys bringing her unique experience and perspective to the governing body.
Richard Lazell
Rich was appointed Governor by Surrey County Council in January 2021 to support the continued success of St Nicholas School.
With nearly 20 years working in commercial roles with fast growing, global organisations, Rich brings a corporate perspective to the School's Governing Board. Particular interests include personal development, leadership, technology and D.E.I (diversity, equality and inclusivity).
On a personal level, Rich has an interest in mental wellbeing and the concept of a ‘growth mindset’. In addition, Rich has a passion for physical health and as an endurance sports enthusiast he competes in running and triathlon events.
Finally, Rich is keen on sustainability and the role we play in protecting our environment.
Dr Catherine James
Dr Catherine James is a consultant anaesthetist specialising in the management of long term pain. She has two children that currently attend St Nicholas school and one that has just started secondary school. She joined as a governor in 2021 and is a member of the Curriculum and Standards committee. She is the designated safeguarding governor.
Rev Carole George
Rev Carole became a foundation governor when she was appointed as Incumbent of St Nicholas Church, Shepperton in September 2022. Carole was ordained in 2018 and served her curacy just up the road at St Mary’s Sunbury. Prior to ordination Carole spent many years working in the commercial insurance industry. She joined the governing body during the challenging times of the Covid pandemic and as restrictions lift she is looking forward to both being able to spend more time in school with the children and staff and also welcoming them to St Nicholas Church for curriculum visits and services to celebrate the major Christian festivals. Carole is a member of the admissions committee.
Lewis Reece
Lewis joined the governing body as a parent governor in 2022, with one child attending the school and one about to join. He is an analytical geoscientist, with 10 years energy industry experience specialising in structural geology and geomechanics. Lewis’s passion for science and engineering extends into his hobbies, from lunar photography to outdoor survival - having volunteered as a Scout leader for over 10 years.
Laura Howkins
Laura attended St Nicholas CE Primary School as a child, so was delighted to be given the opportunity to be a parent governor in 2023. She has a daughter in year 1 and another who will hopefully join St Nicholas in Reception in 2024. Laura works as a Partnership Assistant Principal for a Surrey-based multi-academy trust. She has worked in secondary education for over 16 years, with experience leading areas of a school such as Inclusion, Personal Development, Alternative Provision, Data/Exams and Pupil Premium. Laura also has experience mentoring teachers within an infant school.
Laura has a particular interest in the role wider enrichment opportunities play within education. She has a degree in Dance and enjoys going to see musicals at the theatre.