Useful Links

Useful Links

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St Nicholas Church of England Primary School


Please give us some ideas through out Get In Touch page.

How much is a school meal?

Currently for those that pay for school meals the cost is £2.70 per day.  Please see the School Meals page for further information.

How do I pay for school trips/events/meals?

The preferred method is online through Tucasi, there is an "Online Payments" link in the useful links menu on the left of the page. In certain circumstances, you can pay through the front office using Cash or Card.

What if my child is unwell?

Please call the school on the morning of the first day of absence, preferably before 9:00am and select option 1. Sometimes there are a high volume of calls so if nobody is available to answer please leave a voicemail. Absences should not be reported by email, but you may complete the online form here.

 How does my child access home learning online?

You can access online learning through the Useful Links on the left side of the page. All children were given their account details at the beginning of term which are stuck into their reading records at the front.  Please request any replacements through the class teacher as they will need to provide a new reading record book at the same time. If you are having difficulties accessing home learning then please follow the troubleshooting guide below: